Saturday, November 3, 2012

Good-bye October and a Turkey Freebie

We wrapped up October with the end of our spider unit and a yummy spider snack!  The kids never thought they would enjoy eating a spider!

This is "Harry."  He is a Goliath tarantula specimen! 

The kids absolutely loved getting up close to see every detail.

 We used a magnifying glass to really check out the spider's parts.  Harry even has a purple tint to him when viewed up close in the right light.
 Then, my little scientists drew Harry themselves.

For our spider snack, I put a sign up sheet on the door about a week ahead of time.  Parents provided mini chocolate doughnuts for the body, stick pretzels for the legs, some frosting for "glue" for the eyes, which were M&Ms.


This was a great ending to a really fun unit.  The kids learned so much!

Now it's on to all things Thanksgiving.  Here's a little turkey freebie!  Enjoy!

I would be oh-so-thankful if you would follow my site and leave me a note!



  1. Love the T is for Turkey book! I am your newest follower!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. I'm so glad you like it-- and glad to have you as a follower!
