Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More Anchors!

The end of the school year is flying by!  We have been busy little bees in K17.  Here are a few more anchor charts we've used to build discussions, increase vocabulary, and for writing. 

This one was for Mother's Day.  It was really fun to listen to the kids partner talk about their moms and share out their ideas! 

The kids wrote a little paragraph for their moms to go with their Mother's Day gifts (which I forgot to take pictures of!):

And today we started a unit on Ocean and learned a lot about sharks.  I want the kids to try different sentence starters and we went with plural this time:

The kids' vocabulary development is just amazing!  And my artwork is not half-bad, if I do say so myself! 

Only ten days left with this's been a good year.  It's always so hard to let them go when they can do so much, knowing that in a few short months I will be starting all over with crying and pants-wetting, and never-held-a-pencil newbies!  But I will get them here too!!!  Somehow, some way. 

Oh, and I just have to share the most adorable teacher appreciation gift ever:

I just love it, don't you? 

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